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Summer is coming and you are already planning outings for sunny days. You would like to know if it is safe to go swimming if you or a loved one has type 1 diabetes with lifeguard class near me.

The short answer is: yes! If you take safety precautions and get approval from your diabetes care team, you can go swimming as usual. This is a fun and great exercise that can also be helpful in managing your type 1 diabetes.

Benefits of Swimming for People with Type 1 Diabetes

Regular physical activity has many benefits for everyone, including people with type 1 diabetes. 1 Swimming can help you manage your blood glucose levels and have countless other benefits for your heart, bone health and emotional well-being. 2 .

Your blood glucose level changes daily for a variety of reasons, including:

The type of movement (anaerobic or aerobic).

·         The time of your last meal.

·         The composition of your last meal.

·         Your current blood glucose level.

·         The time of the last administration of insulin.

Swimming for pleasure is a form of aerobic exercise while competitive swimming is a form of anaerobic exercise. Both are forms of exercise that offer many health benefits for people with type 1 diabetes with  Lifeguard Class Near Me.

A recent study examined the association between swimming and blood glucose levels in adult men with type 1 diabetes. Age-matched participants were divided into two groups. The participants in both groups had their hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) tested before and after the 10-week swim program. The results showed significant improvements in HbA1c levels in participants who participated in the 10-week swim program compared to participants who did not swim. The study indicated that swimming as part of daily exercise can help lower blood glucose levels.

Safety tips when swimming

Are you ready to make the most of the summer and go swimming? Go for it! Here are some expert tips to help you stay safe and avoid problems.

Check your blood glucose level before exercising.

Exercise generally lowers your blood glucose level because your body needs more energy. That's why it's important to check your blood sugar before swimming or doing any other exercise.

Check your insulin supply.

Whether you have an insulin pump or an insulin injection, you need to make sure you have enough supplies and can adjust your schedule to your glucose levels.

Ask your diabetes care team about using your insulin pump in the water.

If you use an insulin pump, remember that not all pumps are safe to use in water. It is always a good idea to check whether the pump is watertight in the specific manual for your device. It's also a good idea to use an extra patch to make sure your system stays in place while swimming. If you want to go diving or try any other water sport, ask your diabetes care team about the safety of the device and other things to keep in mind. 4

·         Take a snack with you.

·         If you leave home to go swimming, you should take a few snacks with you to be prepared for your glucose levels to drop.

·         Be prepared to take a break.

·         If you go swimming for a long time, be prepared to take a break in case your glucose level drops too much.

·         Keep drinking.

·         When you are underwater, you do not notice that you are sweating or thirsty. Drink plenty of water regularly, especially if you swim in a hot climate or outdoors.

·         Let others know what to do in an emergency.

An emergency is unlikely to occur, but you should always be prepared whether you have type 1 diabetes or not. If you need help swimming, it's important for your friends and family to know that you have type 1 diabetes and who to call. If you are alone, you can wear an ID card on a bracelet or necklace.

If you take the proper precautions and consult with your diabetes healthcare team, you can enjoy the same water sports as people without type 1 diabetes. 4

Talk to your diabetes healthcare team about resuming an exercise routine if you have elevated ketones or if you have had hypoglycemia or other complications related to diabetes.

To conclude

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, whether you have type 1 diabetes or not. If you have type 1 diabetes, you can generally do all exercise and physical activities, just like people who don't have type 1 diabetes.

When you swim, for fun or as a sport, your glucose metabolism will change, which changes your energy needs as well. Therefore, you may need to check your glucose levels more often than usual. Talk to your diabetes healthcare team about adjusting your insulin and planning your meals.


Enjoy the summer as much as possible: in the warm months you can simply go swimming as part of your exercise program.

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