The Benefits Of Swimming In The Pool

The Benefits Of Swimming In The Pool


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Swimming is called the most popular form of fitness for a reason: it really works wonders for our bodies. What's the point of swimming in a pool? We found eight compelling reasons to quickly find a sports swimsuit in the guts of the closet, get a subscription, and sign up for lessons with an instructor with lifeguard class near me.

Impressive results with less effort

Swimming allows you to exercise without undue strain on the skeleton. The body becomes lighter in the pool. If you go into the water up to your waist, you become twice as lighter. And when you dive up to your neck, you only feel 10% of your body weight - the remaining 90, in the literal sense, go into the water. This means that the pool is the perfect environment to exercise, especially if you are overweight or have arthritis.

Improving muscle tone

Have you ever seen a floppy dolphin or a puny swimmer? Probably not! The advantage of swimming in the pool is that it noticeably improves muscle tone and makes it stronger. Especially if you compare swimming with other aerobic activities. For example, when running, the only obstacle to the body is air, the density of which is low. The density of the water is 12 times greater - accordingly, all your movements require more effort and the training is more efficient.

In addition, there is an undeniable benefit of swimming in the pool for women: it helps to strengthen bones, which become more fragile after menopause with  Lifeguard Class Near Me.


While swimming, our joints and ligaments are constantly at work: by making circular rotations with our hands, we train the shoulder joints; leg movements strengthen the pelvis. In addition, swimming has invaluable benefits for the spine: during exercise it stretches, the vertebrae fall into place - which generally helps to improve flexibility and mobility from the crown to the tips of the fingers.

healthy heart

In addition to the triceps and abs, swimming trains another very important muscle: the heart. The aerobic load we get in the pool during training strengthens this vital organ and helps it to perform its function smoothly: contract and relax. This, in turn, leads to improved blood flow throughout the body.

In addition, studies have shown that swimming can combat the internal inflammatory responses that often lead to heart disease, and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in women by 30-40%.

weight control

Swimming is one of the most energy-consuming forms of fitness and therefore ideal for people who are watching their weight. On average, you can lose up to 60 calories in breaststroke in 10 minutes, while backstroke increases to 80, freestyle takes 100 calories from you and butterfly - all 150. In addition, swimming half an hour in the pool three times a week reduces the risk of type diabetes 2 in men by 10 percent. Studies among women have shown even more impressive results: To reduce the risk of disease by 16 percent, one workout per week is enough for the fairer sex.

fight asthma

Thanks to the optimal humidity in the pool, swimming not only does not cause discomfort for asthmatics, but also helps to fight attacks. A study conducted by scientists found that after six weeks of training, children with asthma were less likely to seek help, and in many cases, the attacks did not occur for a year or more. Even if you are not familiar with this problem, keep in mind that swimming increases lung capacity and helps you learn to breathe correctly.

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