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Assess your swimming with lifeguard training Near Me abilities well and practice in the pool how to stretch your foot or calf in the event of a cramp, while staying afloat.

Find suitable open water. Many locations nationwide can be found via whose water quality is checked and which are safe for swimming. Swimming along a leash is safer than straight across puddles. It is usually shallower there, you may have something to grab. Look for open waters where you will not be overrun by other water sports enthusiasts (surfers, sailors, water skiers).

Water quality

Check the water quality regularly, especially when the water gets warmer. Blue-green algae, botulism and Weil's disease are notorious

Swimming in cold water

You run the risk of hypothermia in cold water. Of course, a wetsuit helps to insulate your body. If you don't have one or if you are swimming in a competition where wetsuits are not allowed, a layer of Vaseline also has an insulating effect. In addition, it is recommended to wear a swimming cap when swimming in cold water to keep your head warmer. A silicone swim cap protects better than a thin latex one.

Adjust your training time to the water temperature and the intensity of your training.

Rijkswaterstaat keeps track of the water temperature in many places in the Netherlands.

To remove Vaseline, a washcloth with gel-soap to which you do not need to add water works. Warm clothes and a thermos of tea or broth can be very nice after a cold swim.

The Safer swimmer

A safer swimmer is a floating buoy that can do three things:

1) You can keep your personal items with you in the water. That way you don't have to leave them on the side.

2) You can float on it if you get a cramp

3) You stand out as a swimmer for other water sports enthusiasts.

Using a safer swimmer in open water is highly recommended if you swim in deep water or when you train alone.

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