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A healthy mind in a healthy body . If you are a fan of
swimming, know that the benefits it provides are numerous. It's a great
total-body workout that can make you physically stronger and give you a
healthier heart . Plus, depending on where you like to swim, swimming can also
be economical. The indoor and outdoor pools have gradually reopened after the
Covid-19 epidemic, swimming is again possible with lifeguard recertification near me.
Regular swimming could make you smarter, improve your mental
health and improve your lung capacity , and that's not all. According to the
NHS , adding a weekly session of swimming to your training regimen can reduce
the risk of chronic conditions , such as heart disease , type 2 diabetes and stroke
Swimming also helps to tone the whole body and improve
endurance , which results in an improvement in general physical condition and
its abilities. Cross Training (exercise in different ways) is a fantastic way
to improve your overall fitness. We won't tell you everything (there are 12
more benefits to scroll through below), but the myriad benefits of getting wet
are far-reaching. All you have to do is jump in!
1. IT
Swimming is one of the few sports that requires you to leave
the outside world outside. Watching Instagram in the pool is physically
impossible, so it's a great way to give the mind time to rest from the constant
digital stimulations.
Many people say that just being in the water makes them more
relaxed and less stressed . Regular exercise helps reduce anxiety and
depression because it releases feel-good hormones ( endorphins , dopamine ,
serotonin ) that keep our brains functioning in a healthy way.
Additionally, she suggests that if you indulge in wild
swimming and not just at your local pool, you can reap more rewards: Learning
to swim can give you the opportunity to swim in beautiful outdoor locations,
which , for many people, is an unforgettable memory.
Research has shown that the practice of swimming was
comparable to yoga in terms of reducing anxiety and stress over a 12-week
period with Lifeguard Class Near Me.
2. IT
guidelines suggest that to stay healthy , anyone aged 19 to
64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (aerobic
activity) a week. This can range from running and walking to circuit training
or fitness and HIIT sessions at home.
If you choose to engage in a particularly vigorous activity,
such as brisk swimming, you can reduce this time to 75 minutes, or just over an
hour per week.
Fitness swimming is easy to practice, just pick up the pace.
Plus, it can help you build muscle . It offers the possibility of building
muscle everywhere. A person starting out in the pool can expect to see more definition
in their arms, upper body and thighs in particular.
This is all because swimming offers a consistent resistance
pattern, which puts a lot of stress on the muscles and therefore “tones” them.
3. THE
Do you often complain of painful knees and ankles ? Well,
know that you are not alone. High-intensity workouts can exacerbate already
sore joints (think running or high-intensity home cardio workouts), but
swapping a few sessions for laps in the pool could do you the world of good.
A runner exerts 5 to 10 times their body weight on their
hips , ankles and knees . As water naturally supports you, it can reduce the
weight of your moving body by up to 90%, reducing stress and impact on your
joints, muscles and bones by 90% as well. Which is huge!
Yes, running or biking generally burns more calories than
swimming. But swimming keeps your heart rate up without stressing your body.
This type of exercise is known as “steady-state training” and helps build
endurance .
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